What is Static and Dynamic Website and what is the difference between them?

What is Static and Dynamic Website and what is the difference between them?

Post Date : 21 Mar, 2021
Post View : 1271
What is Static and Dynamic Website and what is the difference between them?

Static Website
Thera are two types of Websites: Static and Dynamic. Static websites are ones that are fixed and display the same content for every user; static websites are created in HTML JavaScript, CSS etc.. Static websited content remain fixed until unless change of content not changed by the developer. In Static sites, end users are always depend on developer to change the content of the website.

Dynamic Website
A dynamic website, on the other hand, is one that can display different content and provide user interaction, by making use of advanced programming and databases in addition to HTML. Dynamic websites usually created on PHP. In simple way, static websites are easy to create, while dynamic websites require more work. In dynamic websites, end user gets admin panel where he can update content of the website by himself, he does not need to depend on the developer.

Difference between Static and Dynamic Website
1.    In Static web pages, pages will remain same until unless developer changes it manually by changing the codes. On the other hand, Dynamic website content is dynamic which can be changed anytime by the end user.
2.    Static web pages are simple while dynamic web pages are complex.
3.    In static web pages, content change rarely while in dynamic content change frequently.
4.    Static websites are faster and web pages loads faster compare to dynamic web pages.
5.    Static websites does not required database while dynamic websites required database.
6.    Static websites are cheaper compare to dynamic websites.
7.    Static websites can be developed in short time while dynamic websites require more time.
8.    Static website directly run on browser and does not require other internet application language. This website can be created from HTML and CSS .Dynamic website run the application on server and the result will be display on webpage. So this requires server application language like PHP, JSP etc.
9.    Static websites are easy to develop and a experienced person can develop it. But in casa of Dynamic websites it cannot be developed easily because it require qualify developers to create it, manage it, test it and maintain security of application and database.

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